10 04 2018 Charles in Eltham – Neighbours overseas, car alarm going off – On Air with Jon Faine

Charles in Eltham you’re first up with David. Morning Charles.

Good morning. My call to David and Jon this morning is about our neighbour who has gone on holiday and his car alarm has been ringing day and night since last Wednesday.


And we’ve contacted the cops, we’ve contacted the EPA, we’ve contacted his insurance company and no one is prepared to do anything about shutting it down.

It’s driving all the neighbours mad. All the neighbours have made calls to everyone in the area and nothing has happened and it is still going on. If I can hold the phone up you might be able to hear it.

Charles have you been able to find any relatives or friends?

No. No one seems to know anything about him, he’s just moved in there fairly recently, built a property there.

Have you been able to find the estate agent who acted when the property was purchased?

No one has been down that track yet.

If you start there and then you’ll maybe then get to the lawyer who acted for the owners and you might find a connection via that route.


Also lateral thinking: the alarm company.

We’ve tried them. They’re based in Adelaide; they are a well-known company.

And they presumably can’t turn it off. They just tell you that it’s ringing.

Yes. They can’t turn it off, there is no access to the property because it is a gated property.


And basically it’s driving everyone in this area completely mad. It’s just relentless; day and night.

To get a court order requires you to bring it to somebody’s attention. So the only way I can give you is the one I suggested. Sorry.

All sorts of ideas come to mind.

An unlawful one would be to look and see if there’s a return address on letters in their letterbox. But you’re not allowed to go through someone’s letter box. That’s an offence.

Charles, I’ll pop you back to my producers; we’ll see if we can do some work on this as well.

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